Clearly noted as the darkest times in world history. It's truly a fearful sight when nations have to go against one another in order to fulfill their evil deeds or to hunt down the other. At the same time, there are other countries that protect each other from the after effects of war. So what is the most fatal attack in a war? Without a doubt, it's the bomb assault. Just think of the after effects, subsequentto both the world wars, especially the World War II. Still historians and analysts label World War II as the worst war ever in human history.
So what made them think that way? Everyone has the answer. The atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan that finally end up the war were clearly the most horrifying bombings ever in human history.
With thousands of people still dying from the after effects, here's a list that features 10 most fatal bomb attacks in history. Let the world learnharsh lessons and fruits of war and bombing.

10.Bombing of Guernica:
In the 10 th slot, it's the bombing of Guernica. Actually the attack was an aerial one, aimed at the Basque town of Guernica, Spain. During the Spanish Civil War, Spain was one of the main targets by both the German Luftwaffe and the Italian Fascist Aviazione Legionaria. The most horrifying part in the bombing was that this town was totally defenseless and it was brimming with civilians. Although according to Russian archives the death toll is onlya mere 800 but the Basque Government accounted the toll to be over 1,654 civilians.

9.9/11 incident:
One of the most shocking event in recent history, the 9/11 attack is also considered to be the most unexpected events. Two suicide bombers, representing the deadly terrorist group Al-Qaeda hijacked two separate aircrafts and directly flew into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The towers were considered as one of the greatest financial based structure in human record. Another interesting fact is that, as the incident was happening, most of the leading newscasters were at the scene, covering the whole attack. The media unknowingly covered the whole incident as the background and aired them live, which also madethis incident as one of the most watched events in television. The death toll rose to nearly 3,000 or 2,976 to be exact. Most of them have been killed from the explosions and collapse of the buildings. Still the 9/11 incident is considered to be as one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in modern history.

8.Bombing of SS Cap Arcona:
Cap Arcona was one of largest German luxury ocean liner, which was used by the Nazis in transporting soldiers. Actually that was a kind of myth, as there weren't any confirmed reports of finding any Nazi soldiers within the ship. The ship was deeply laden with prisoners from concentration camps, along with a handful of soldiers. The fake thoughtclearly out-took the strategy of enemies, as in 1945 the ship was sunk with over 5,000 people in it. The Royal Air Force was the one behind the attack. This mishap is considered as one of the biggest accident in human history and one of the biggest losses of life during war and one of the largest maritime losses ever. The Cap Arcona cruise was one of the most luxurious ships at time, as it had all the needy stuffs for a German soldier, for a pleasing day.

7.Bombing of Le Havre:
Le Havre was originally under the control one of the allied forces- France, during the World War II. But with the outbreak of Hitler and his Nazi army, throughout Europe, the city was captured. Although the city had so many of French natives, the nation had to impose an attack on the city to make rest of the country safe from German attack. As a result, the allied forces came up with Operation Astonia, where the attack was fought from 10 September 1944 to 12 September 1944. The French troop has no other way except to order an attack on the city of Le Havre. Called the Battle of Burgundy, the battle recorded over 5,000 deaths including number of innocents, mothers, families, and even little children; a very frightening part of the war.

6.Bombing of Pforzheim:
This was clearly the aftermath of the allied attack. During the World War II, the allied forces where ready and eager to have their retribution on the Nazis. The only way to take revenge was to order an attack on the Nazi controlled cities and the town of Pforzheim was one of them. In February 23, 1945, the allied forces ordered the attack and the casualtiesrose over 17,600 people, just in a single night.

5.Dresden bombing:
Another chapter in World War II, the city of Dresden was one of the strongest bases of German army. The allied forces knew that, if they had to defeat the Germans, they have to take down their strongest camp, and that was the city of Dresden. The city held the center of transportation and communication for the German troops. In four raids between 13 February and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Force (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city, resulting in a massive wipe out, killing over 25,000people.

4.Bombing of Hamburg:
Every war has an end, and so did World War II. The city of Hamburg was one of the strongest and centre of many German army bases. During the war, the allied forces planned Project Gomorrah on the city. The word Gomorrah is from the holy book Bible, where the cities Sodom and Gomorrah was wiped by God himself against the acts of cruelty held within the city. According to the Bible, God destroyed the city by flinging huge rocks of fire from the sky. The same simulation happened to the city, as Hamburg was completely destroyed via aerial strikes. The death toll is estimated tobe over 42,600 people.

3.Nagasaki Bombing:
The final stop in World War II, the atomic bombing Nagasaki. One of the deadliest attacks ever in human race, and attack that every human being should be ashamed of, the bombing in Nagasaki was perhaps denoted as the end chapter of the deadliest war ever. After Germany's fall in Europe, the allied nations had to deal the nations in the Pacific, and Japan was the first to come up on the list. Japan refused the surrender declaration and continued fighting. On August 9 th , just days after Hiroshima bombing, the United States and the U.K together planned the next attack on the city of Nagasaki. Fat man, nickname given to the nuclear bomb, was deployed in city, which later resulted in Japanese troops to surrender. The bomb was made of Plutonium and after-mathed a demise toll of over 80,000 deaths. The attack is still considered as the one of the most critical bombings in human history. Today the city is still suffering from the after-effects of bombing.

2.Bombing of Tokyo:
The allied forces knew Japanese stronghold was at Tokyo and that was their next major target. The capital city of Japan, Tokyo, based camps of many notable generals, soldiers and fleet forces of the Japanese army. The attack was carried out by the allied forces from 1942 to 1945. Also referred as 'firebombing', the bombing started inApril 1942, as U.S. did a small raid in Tokyo. Later Strategic and Urban bombing began in 1944, which later resulted in the arrival of long range B-29 Super fortress bomber. This aircraft almost took half of Japan with its deadly ammunition capacity. Among the raid, an operation called 'Operation Meetinghouse', dated 9 to10 March, 1945 is still considered to be the single most destructive bombing raid in history.
At last in August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered. According to the Tokyo Fire Department, the death toll was over 97,000 civilians, which still is an approximate value.

1.Hiroshima bombing:
The bombing in Hiroshima was the first among two of the deadliest atomic disasters in human history, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Allied forces had to keep Japan down, even after the yield of Germany. So they planned to destroy Japan with the first ever atomic attack. Nicknamed Little Boy, the bomb composed of highly combustible Uranium as the fuel, and had a very high rate of impact. The bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on 6 th August 1945, which later was followed by the bombing in Nagasaki, on 9 th August. The bombing in Hiroshima took more than 160,000 lives, both involving those who have been killed upon impact, and those who have experienced the post effects of the radiation. Medical reports say that today the city is still suffering as a result of the after effects from bombing.
Later after these bombings, Japan officially signed the pact called the Instrument of Surrender, which officially ended up the World War II.
So what made them think that way? Everyone has the answer. The atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan that finally end up the war were clearly the most horrifying bombings ever in human history.
With thousands of people still dying from the after effects, here's a list that features 10 most fatal bomb attacks in history. Let the world learnharsh lessons and fruits of war and bombing.
10.Bombing of Guernica:
In the 10 th slot, it's the bombing of Guernica. Actually the attack was an aerial one, aimed at the Basque town of Guernica, Spain. During the Spanish Civil War, Spain was one of the main targets by both the German Luftwaffe and the Italian Fascist Aviazione Legionaria. The most horrifying part in the bombing was that this town was totally defenseless and it was brimming with civilians. Although according to Russian archives the death toll is onlya mere 800 but the Basque Government accounted the toll to be over 1,654 civilians.
9.9/11 incident:
One of the most shocking event in recent history, the 9/11 attack is also considered to be the most unexpected events. Two suicide bombers, representing the deadly terrorist group Al-Qaeda hijacked two separate aircrafts and directly flew into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The towers were considered as one of the greatest financial based structure in human record. Another interesting fact is that, as the incident was happening, most of the leading newscasters were at the scene, covering the whole attack. The media unknowingly covered the whole incident as the background and aired them live, which also madethis incident as one of the most watched events in television. The death toll rose to nearly 3,000 or 2,976 to be exact. Most of them have been killed from the explosions and collapse of the buildings. Still the 9/11 incident is considered to be as one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in modern history.
8.Bombing of SS Cap Arcona:
Cap Arcona was one of largest German luxury ocean liner, which was used by the Nazis in transporting soldiers. Actually that was a kind of myth, as there weren't any confirmed reports of finding any Nazi soldiers within the ship. The ship was deeply laden with prisoners from concentration camps, along with a handful of soldiers. The fake thoughtclearly out-took the strategy of enemies, as in 1945 the ship was sunk with over 5,000 people in it. The Royal Air Force was the one behind the attack. This mishap is considered as one of the biggest accident in human history and one of the biggest losses of life during war and one of the largest maritime losses ever. The Cap Arcona cruise was one of the most luxurious ships at time, as it had all the needy stuffs for a German soldier, for a pleasing day.
7.Bombing of Le Havre:
Le Havre was originally under the control one of the allied forces- France, during the World War II. But with the outbreak of Hitler and his Nazi army, throughout Europe, the city was captured. Although the city had so many of French natives, the nation had to impose an attack on the city to make rest of the country safe from German attack. As a result, the allied forces came up with Operation Astonia, where the attack was fought from 10 September 1944 to 12 September 1944. The French troop has no other way except to order an attack on the city of Le Havre. Called the Battle of Burgundy, the battle recorded over 5,000 deaths including number of innocents, mothers, families, and even little children; a very frightening part of the war.
6.Bombing of Pforzheim:
This was clearly the aftermath of the allied attack. During the World War II, the allied forces where ready and eager to have their retribution on the Nazis. The only way to take revenge was to order an attack on the Nazi controlled cities and the town of Pforzheim was one of them. In February 23, 1945, the allied forces ordered the attack and the casualtiesrose over 17,600 people, just in a single night.
5.Dresden bombing:
Another chapter in World War II, the city of Dresden was one of the strongest bases of German army. The allied forces knew that, if they had to defeat the Germans, they have to take down their strongest camp, and that was the city of Dresden. The city held the center of transportation and communication for the German troops. In four raids between 13 February and 15 February 1945, 722 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and 527 of the United States Army Air Force (USAAF) dropped more than 3,900 tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the city, resulting in a massive wipe out, killing over 25,000people.
4.Bombing of Hamburg:
Every war has an end, and so did World War II. The city of Hamburg was one of the strongest and centre of many German army bases. During the war, the allied forces planned Project Gomorrah on the city. The word Gomorrah is from the holy book Bible, where the cities Sodom and Gomorrah was wiped by God himself against the acts of cruelty held within the city. According to the Bible, God destroyed the city by flinging huge rocks of fire from the sky. The same simulation happened to the city, as Hamburg was completely destroyed via aerial strikes. The death toll is estimated tobe over 42,600 people.
3.Nagasaki Bombing:
The final stop in World War II, the atomic bombing Nagasaki. One of the deadliest attacks ever in human race, and attack that every human being should be ashamed of, the bombing in Nagasaki was perhaps denoted as the end chapter of the deadliest war ever. After Germany's fall in Europe, the allied nations had to deal the nations in the Pacific, and Japan was the first to come up on the list. Japan refused the surrender declaration and continued fighting. On August 9 th , just days after Hiroshima bombing, the United States and the U.K together planned the next attack on the city of Nagasaki. Fat man, nickname given to the nuclear bomb, was deployed in city, which later resulted in Japanese troops to surrender. The bomb was made of Plutonium and after-mathed a demise toll of over 80,000 deaths. The attack is still considered as the one of the most critical bombings in human history. Today the city is still suffering from the after-effects of bombing.
2.Bombing of Tokyo:
The allied forces knew Japanese stronghold was at Tokyo and that was their next major target. The capital city of Japan, Tokyo, based camps of many notable generals, soldiers and fleet forces of the Japanese army. The attack was carried out by the allied forces from 1942 to 1945. Also referred as 'firebombing', the bombing started inApril 1942, as U.S. did a small raid in Tokyo. Later Strategic and Urban bombing began in 1944, which later resulted in the arrival of long range B-29 Super fortress bomber. This aircraft almost took half of Japan with its deadly ammunition capacity. Among the raid, an operation called 'Operation Meetinghouse', dated 9 to10 March, 1945 is still considered to be the single most destructive bombing raid in history.
At last in August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered. According to the Tokyo Fire Department, the death toll was over 97,000 civilians, which still is an approximate value.
1.Hiroshima bombing:
The bombing in Hiroshima was the first among two of the deadliest atomic disasters in human history, Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Allied forces had to keep Japan down, even after the yield of Germany. So they planned to destroy Japan with the first ever atomic attack. Nicknamed Little Boy, the bomb composed of highly combustible Uranium as the fuel, and had a very high rate of impact. The bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on 6 th August 1945, which later was followed by the bombing in Nagasaki, on 9 th August. The bombing in Hiroshima took more than 160,000 lives, both involving those who have been killed upon impact, and those who have experienced the post effects of the radiation. Medical reports say that today the city is still suffering as a result of the after effects from bombing.
Later after these bombings, Japan officially signed the pact called the Instrument of Surrender, which officially ended up the World War II.
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