Top 10 Photographs Of Vicious Animal Fights
Mother Nature isnot the kind-hearted, elderly matron thatthe hippies make her out to be. Sheis, in fact, a remorseless, half-insane danger junkie with a taste for blood and death that would make an Ancient Roman wince. Donot believe me? Then check out these ten scenes of animals pitted against each otherin brutal combat, with Mother Nature watching from the sides and cheering wildly the entire time.
10. Bear vs. Tigers

It was just another, typical day for Maggie the bear (name changed to protect her identity), and she was just chilling out nearthe local watering hole in the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, India, when the unthinkable happened: a tiger appeared! Needless to say, Maggie was very surprised by this turn of events but didnot let itshow as she immediately charged the approaching feline and utterly kicked its fuzzy little behind. She then did it again, when a second tiger appeared tosave his pal. Man, two tigers in one day? What is this, some kind of Tiger Reserve?
The whole situation was captured on film by Aditya Singh,but what you canot see in the pictures is that Maggie attacked the ferocious tigers first to protect her two young cubs. Sometimes¡­ a mothers love can be a powerful thing. Also: full ofteeth and sharp claws.
9. Lionesses vs. Lionesses

I know what you are thinking. should I get this growth on my neck checked out? The answer to both of your questions is no (OK, so the first one wasnot really a yes or no question but shut up, I m trying to make a point). What you are seeing up there is actually a bunch of lionesses from the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya having the most epic cat fight in the history of cat fights.
The picture was taken by wildlifephotographer Steve Bloom who unfortunately could not confirm what the lionesses were fighting about. But I bet it started with a passive aggressive comment about how one of them has started to go a little grey-furred before the whole thing escalatedinto The Real Housewives of the Serengeti.
8. Eagle vs. Fox

Quick question: you are a majestic, deadly Golden Eagle enjoying a plateful of mouth-watering half-frozen-animal-carcass-on-the-ground, when a scrawny fox comes over and triesto join in on the feast. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!
The answer: you grab that suckerby its hind legs and attempt to give it a quick first lesson in flying (warning: there is no lesson #2). And thats exactly what is happening in this 2006 picture taken by Finish photographer Pekka Komi.
Please pay close attention to the foxs expression here. If there ever was a more perfect exampleof an Oh crap, maybe I shouldnothave done this face, I have yet to see it.
7. Zebra vs. Zebra

Zebras generally recognized as the effeminate, gay cousin of the horse are second only to panda bears on the list of animals you¡¯re least likely to have nightmares about. Or at least they were before photographer Winfried Wisniewski came and ruined everything with this picture.
Just look at those two magnificent zebra bastards. There is nothing cute or adorable about them. That is pure, unrefined hatred and bloodlust in their eyes, and actual blood in their teeth. The scene was captured on film in Tanzania when the two males were fighting for supremacy in their herd, with their battle allegedly lasting for HOURS. It is unclear whether the winner then ripped out the losers heart and ate it but I will go ahead and assume that, yes, thatis exactly what happened.
6. Zebra vs. Lion

Huh¡­you know what? Considering the previous picture,this one doesnot even faze me that much. More so, considering that both of them were taken at the exact same place -the Ngorongoro Conservation area inTanzania. I wouldn¡¯t even be surprised if that zebra up there was the winner of the duel from the previous entry.
Immortalized by wildlife fanatic Thomas Whetten, the scene in the picture seems pretty self-explanatory. The lion was obviously all Hey, zebra, Im a eatu, K? but then the Zebra was all like ZEBRA KARATE and wham , off goes the lions jaw. Like I said, pretty self-explanatory.
5. Wolf vs. Bear

Here is a fun exercise. Take a lookat this picture, quickly realize that itis timed so perfectly it could easily have come from a Disney movie, and try to come up with a caption for it in the comments. The winner wins a year-long trip around the Sun. This ones from me: I LOVED HER, YOU BASTARD!
A little background for the picture to get you in the creative mood: the photo was taken by Flickr user Anne-Marie Kalus in 2011, and shows a wolf challenging a bear to a fight overBambis mother¡¯s corpse. For the purposes of this contest, we will assume that the bears name is Trevor.
4. Crocodile vs. Hippos

The hippo is probably the greatest secretly badass animal inhistory. Yes it is pudgy and goofy -looking, but it is also one of the fiercest and deadliest predators on the African continent. So, you had assume that other residents of Africa, like the crocodile, would have heard enough about hippos to not go out of their way to piss them off. Apparently this croc did not get the memo.
The scene captured in the image above by Vaclav Silha shows a crocodile that ventured too close to a herd of hippopotami, was quickly surrounded by them and then proceeded to lose his freaking mind. Seeing no other alternative, the outnumbered reptile actually tried to escape with his life by climbing over the attacking hippos backs.
You know what? I take back what I said about #8. This is the perfect example of an Oh crap, maybe I shouldnot have done this face.
3. Hippo vs. Lionesses

Open the door, hippo! It is the Karma Police ! Here we see another work by Steve Bloom, this time showing a hippo who ventured a little too far away from the water and was suddenlysurrounded by a pride of lionesses, all while being presumably taunted with You havecome to the wrong neighborhood, buddy.
The gals then proceeded to maul the hippo to death and, by the looks of it, the hippo just sat there and took it like a chump. It is probably worth mentioning that the lionesses did not attack him for food or anything like that, during that time there wereloads of zebras or wildebeests around. No¡­they apparently tortured the hippo to death just for the fun of it.
2. Elephant vs. Crocodile

One time in Zambia, Martin Nyfeler decided to photograph a mother elephant with her child, when he captured something far more powerful: a selfless act of motherly love¡­as a killer crocodile jumped out of the water and tried to eat the baby elephant.
His mom, luckily, was having none of that nonsense. With the powerful jaws of the crocodile locked tightly around her nose, the mother elephant began to pull the croc away as far away from her child and the water as possible. For a long time, the reptile wouldnot let go of her, probably constantly pleading with the mom with lines like Come on, I will only eat him a LITTLE. Still refusing to let the mama go, the crocodile was finally pulled out of water and the elephants made their escape. Since that day, the baby elephanthas never refused to eat all of his vegetables or brush his teeth.
1. Buffalo vs. Lions vs. Crocodiles

And to cap off this tour de fear, we have a video! This particular animal fight came to be known as The Battle at Kruger but thatis only because the people who filmed it apparently have noimagination. This thing should clearly have been called Battle Royale : Africa.
The fight was filmed in 2004 at the Transport Dam watering holein Kruger National Park, South Africa, by David Budzinski and Jason Schlosberg and, if I didnot know any better, I had swear that the whole thing was staged because it is just so perfect. The video kicks off with a couple of lions approaching a herd of Cape Buffalo and ganging up on a young calf because, as we have clearly established, lions are dicks. Then, when they accidentally knock the buffalo into the water, two crocodiles tryto muscle in on their kill, and a regular tug of war between the lions and the crocs begins.
As the young buffalo was undoubtedly pondering just howmany toddlers he must have murdered in its previous life to deserve this faith, the lions won the contest and were ready to eat the hell out of their prey. That¡¯s when the buffalo herd returned and the whole scene went from Saw to Braveheart .
The charging buffalo attacked the lions like an angry hammer of the gods, even sending one of them FLYING into the air. And here is the bizarrely happy ending: the young buffalo lived and even got to witness his herd chasing away the lingering lion, probably hurling insults at them the entire way.
Mother Nature isnot the kind-hearted, elderly matron thatthe hippies make her out to be. Sheis, in fact, a remorseless, half-insane danger junkie with a taste for blood and death that would make an Ancient Roman wince. Donot believe me? Then check out these ten scenes of animals pitted against each otherin brutal combat, with Mother Nature watching from the sides and cheering wildly the entire time.
10. Bear vs. Tigers
It was just another, typical day for Maggie the bear (name changed to protect her identity), and she was just chilling out nearthe local watering hole in the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan, India, when the unthinkable happened: a tiger appeared! Needless to say, Maggie was very surprised by this turn of events but didnot let itshow as she immediately charged the approaching feline and utterly kicked its fuzzy little behind. She then did it again, when a second tiger appeared tosave his pal. Man, two tigers in one day? What is this, some kind of Tiger Reserve?
The whole situation was captured on film by Aditya Singh,but what you canot see in the pictures is that Maggie attacked the ferocious tigers first to protect her two young cubs. Sometimes¡­ a mothers love can be a powerful thing. Also: full ofteeth and sharp claws.
9. Lionesses vs. Lionesses
I know what you are thinking. should I get this growth on my neck checked out? The answer to both of your questions is no (OK, so the first one wasnot really a yes or no question but shut up, I m trying to make a point). What you are seeing up there is actually a bunch of lionesses from the Masai Mara Reserve in Kenya having the most epic cat fight in the history of cat fights.
The picture was taken by wildlifephotographer Steve Bloom who unfortunately could not confirm what the lionesses were fighting about. But I bet it started with a passive aggressive comment about how one of them has started to go a little grey-furred before the whole thing escalatedinto The Real Housewives of the Serengeti.
8. Eagle vs. Fox
Quick question: you are a majestic, deadly Golden Eagle enjoying a plateful of mouth-watering half-frozen-animal-carcass-on-the-ground, when a scrawny fox comes over and triesto join in on the feast. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!
The answer: you grab that suckerby its hind legs and attempt to give it a quick first lesson in flying (warning: there is no lesson #2). And thats exactly what is happening in this 2006 picture taken by Finish photographer Pekka Komi.
Please pay close attention to the foxs expression here. If there ever was a more perfect exampleof an Oh crap, maybe I shouldnothave done this face, I have yet to see it.
7. Zebra vs. Zebra
Zebras generally recognized as the effeminate, gay cousin of the horse are second only to panda bears on the list of animals you¡¯re least likely to have nightmares about. Or at least they were before photographer Winfried Wisniewski came and ruined everything with this picture.
Just look at those two magnificent zebra bastards. There is nothing cute or adorable about them. That is pure, unrefined hatred and bloodlust in their eyes, and actual blood in their teeth. The scene was captured on film in Tanzania when the two males were fighting for supremacy in their herd, with their battle allegedly lasting for HOURS. It is unclear whether the winner then ripped out the losers heart and ate it but I will go ahead and assume that, yes, thatis exactly what happened.
6. Zebra vs. Lion
Huh¡­you know what? Considering the previous picture,this one doesnot even faze me that much. More so, considering that both of them were taken at the exact same place -the Ngorongoro Conservation area inTanzania. I wouldn¡¯t even be surprised if that zebra up there was the winner of the duel from the previous entry.
Immortalized by wildlife fanatic Thomas Whetten, the scene in the picture seems pretty self-explanatory. The lion was obviously all Hey, zebra, Im a eatu, K? but then the Zebra was all like ZEBRA KARATE and wham , off goes the lions jaw. Like I said, pretty self-explanatory.
5. Wolf vs. Bear
Here is a fun exercise. Take a lookat this picture, quickly realize that itis timed so perfectly it could easily have come from a Disney movie, and try to come up with a caption for it in the comments. The winner wins a year-long trip around the Sun. This ones from me: I LOVED HER, YOU BASTARD!
A little background for the picture to get you in the creative mood: the photo was taken by Flickr user Anne-Marie Kalus in 2011, and shows a wolf challenging a bear to a fight overBambis mother¡¯s corpse. For the purposes of this contest, we will assume that the bears name is Trevor.
4. Crocodile vs. Hippos
The hippo is probably the greatest secretly badass animal inhistory. Yes it is pudgy and goofy -looking, but it is also one of the fiercest and deadliest predators on the African continent. So, you had assume that other residents of Africa, like the crocodile, would have heard enough about hippos to not go out of their way to piss them off. Apparently this croc did not get the memo.
The scene captured in the image above by Vaclav Silha shows a crocodile that ventured too close to a herd of hippopotami, was quickly surrounded by them and then proceeded to lose his freaking mind. Seeing no other alternative, the outnumbered reptile actually tried to escape with his life by climbing over the attacking hippos backs.
You know what? I take back what I said about #8. This is the perfect example of an Oh crap, maybe I shouldnot have done this face.
3. Hippo vs. Lionesses
Open the door, hippo! It is the Karma Police ! Here we see another work by Steve Bloom, this time showing a hippo who ventured a little too far away from the water and was suddenlysurrounded by a pride of lionesses, all while being presumably taunted with You havecome to the wrong neighborhood, buddy.
The gals then proceeded to maul the hippo to death and, by the looks of it, the hippo just sat there and took it like a chump. It is probably worth mentioning that the lionesses did not attack him for food or anything like that, during that time there wereloads of zebras or wildebeests around. No¡­they apparently tortured the hippo to death just for the fun of it.
2. Elephant vs. Crocodile
One time in Zambia, Martin Nyfeler decided to photograph a mother elephant with her child, when he captured something far more powerful: a selfless act of motherly love¡­as a killer crocodile jumped out of the water and tried to eat the baby elephant.
His mom, luckily, was having none of that nonsense. With the powerful jaws of the crocodile locked tightly around her nose, the mother elephant began to pull the croc away as far away from her child and the water as possible. For a long time, the reptile wouldnot let go of her, probably constantly pleading with the mom with lines like Come on, I will only eat him a LITTLE. Still refusing to let the mama go, the crocodile was finally pulled out of water and the elephants made their escape. Since that day, the baby elephanthas never refused to eat all of his vegetables or brush his teeth.
1. Buffalo vs. Lions vs. Crocodiles
And to cap off this tour de fear, we have a video! This particular animal fight came to be known as The Battle at Kruger but thatis only because the people who filmed it apparently have noimagination. This thing should clearly have been called Battle Royale : Africa.
The fight was filmed in 2004 at the Transport Dam watering holein Kruger National Park, South Africa, by David Budzinski and Jason Schlosberg and, if I didnot know any better, I had swear that the whole thing was staged because it is just so perfect. The video kicks off with a couple of lions approaching a herd of Cape Buffalo and ganging up on a young calf because, as we have clearly established, lions are dicks. Then, when they accidentally knock the buffalo into the water, two crocodiles tryto muscle in on their kill, and a regular tug of war between the lions and the crocs begins.
As the young buffalo was undoubtedly pondering just howmany toddlers he must have murdered in its previous life to deserve this faith, the lions won the contest and were ready to eat the hell out of their prey. That¡¯s when the buffalo herd returned and the whole scene went from Saw to Braveheart .
The charging buffalo attacked the lions like an angry hammer of the gods, even sending one of them FLYING into the air. And here is the bizarrely happy ending: the young buffalo lived and even got to witness his herd chasing away the lingering lion, probably hurling insults at them the entire way.
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